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What is Criminal Case?

Criminal cases are a type of case that can be opened by prosecutors, usually upon a complaint that arises when a party commits a crime or is involved in a crime, or in cases where social discomfort occurs. In criminal cases, one of the parties is usually expected to be punished with imprisonment or a fine. Factors such as the presence of a crime or the determination of the crime will increase or mitigate the punishment to be taken. Criminal courts are among the fully competent authorities to determine whether the person charged with a crime is guilty or not, to determine his sentence according to Turkish law or to acquit him. Criminal cases are cases that vary according to the nature of the punishment or crime. Since there are many different criminal cases, the process works according to the nature of the case.

Factors Prolonging the Criminal Case Process

In criminal cases, processes such as identifying the criminal, revealing the crime, presenting the evidence to the court and proving its authenticity, hearing the witnesses are the results that will cause the criminal case to be prolonged and shortened. Criminal cases usually result in 4 to 5 cases in all these circumstances. As a result of the lawsuit, the punishment or non-punishment of the criminal is determined by the determination of the crime or the criminal. It should not be concluded that punishment will be imposed as a result of every criminal case. If the crime is established and proven, the accused person may be punished with imprisonment, fine or adjournment. The punishment, which will be determined according to the nature of the crime, is given as a result of the hearing of 4 to 5 cases.

Stj. Av. Elif Nur Akyol

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