Civil servants are people who play a critical role in the provision of public services and undertake important duties in protecting public order. Therefore, it is essential that they perform their duties impartially, competently and honestly. The Civil Servants Law and other relevant legislation regulate the disciplinary rules that civil servants must comply with and the disciplinary penalties to be applied when they act contrary to these rules.
What is a Disciplinary Investigation?
A disciplinary investigation is a formal investigation into suspicion that an officer has acted contrary to disciplinary rules. This investigation is initiated by the disciplinary chief and carried out by an investigator. The investigator collects evidence, takes witness statements and prepares the investigation report. After evaluating the investigation report, the disciplinary chief decides to impose disciplinary punishment on the officer or close the investigation.
When is a Disciplinary Investigation Opened?
Disciplinary proceedings may be initiated on suspicion that an officer has violated disciplinary rules, such as:
Neglecting or delaying one’s duty
Disrespecting superiors or the public
Leaving or resigning from duty
Embezzlement or waste of government property
Taking or giving bribes
Working under the influence of alcohol or drugs
Sexual harassment or mobbing
Conducting political propaganda or participating in political parties or political activities
Revealing mission-related secrets
How is a Disciplinary Investigation Conducted?
Disciplinary investigation is carried out in the following stages:
Opening an Investigation: The disciplinary chief decides to open a disciplinary investigation and appoints an investigator.
Collection of Evidence: The investigator collects evidence, takes witness statements and makes the necessary examinations.
Preparation of the Investigation Report: The investigator prepares the investigation report by evaluating the evidence and findings.
Receiving a Defense: The investigation report is notified to the officer and the officer is given the right to make a defense.
Evaluation at the Disciplinary Board: The disciplinary chief submits the investigation report and the officer’s defense to the disciplinary board. The disciplinary board evaluates the evidence and defense and decides whether to impose disciplinary punishment on the officer or close the investigation.