Problems can be experienced in every marriage that starts with happy and big dreams, and any of the parties can decide to end the marriage. Separation from a spouse is not an easy process, it should be thought through and decided accordingly. In this process, which is also not easy legally, court processes can be long-term and continue for many years, especially in cases where the parties cannot agree. Even the fact that a person does not have the same view of life as his spouse can be counted as a reason for divorce. One of the spouses can file a divorce case against the other, especially in cases such as domestic violence, beating a woman or a man, living in a way that violates the basic customs and morals of the society, infidelity, financial conflicts, financial damage by one of the spouses to the other, and sexual violence. So, what should the other spouse do if he/she wants to leave his/her spouse?
If one of the spouses wants to separate from the other, they should first contact a divorce lawyer who is an expert in the field and take the necessary legal steps. A divorce lawyer is an expert authority and will provide the necessary support on issues such as the reason for wanting to leave, proving the damage and loss experienced, and presenting the justified divorce grounds in a complete and detailed manner. When one of the spouses wants to separate from the other, they must first apply for a divorce case through their lawyer. If an agreement is reached in the negotiations to be made with the other spouse, they can be divorced in a mutually agreed manner.