The ratio of the amount paid in the legal goods regime to the total payment is found in the purchase value, and the amount obtained as a result of multiplying the value of the asset with the value on the liquidation date is accepted as surplus value by the Court of Cassation, and half of this value is the participation receivable of the other spouse.

«As explained above, when there is a loan debt repayment schedule spanning two periods; First of all, the ratio of the unpaid loan debt amount to the total loan debt is found because it has not yet become due at the end of the goods regime. Then, this loan-to-debt ratio is converted to the ratio of the total purchase price of the real estate. The amount of debt is determined by multiplying this determined ratio with the current version (current) value on the liquidation date (closest to the decision). After deducting the debt amount of the real estate determined according to these principles and principles, from the release value on the date of liquidation, the remaining amount is taken into account in the calculation of the share of value increase and/or participation in the residual value.» Supreme Court 2nd Civil Chamber, 26.10.2021 T., 2021/5668 E., 2021/7765 K. 47 TMK art. 2

If, instead of the lump sum payments made to one of the spouses by social security or social assistance institutions, or the compensation paid due to the loss of workforce, the lump sum payment or compensation had been paid for life in accordance with the procedure applied by the relevant social security or social assistance institution, the period after the date of the expiry of the property regime What would be the cash value of the will belonging to the owner is taken into account as personal property in the liquidation.
TMK m. Compensation Calculated According to 228/2:
• Retirement Bonus
• Oyak
• Workforce loss compensations
• Mandatory retirement systems