Registering a trademark means legally protecting it and granting you certain rights regarding your brand. In this article, you can find comprehensive information about what trademark registration is, how it is done, and the rights that registering your trademark gives you.

What is Trademark Registration?

Trademark registration is the process of legally protecting the distinctive signs you use to identify your commercial products or services, such as a word, logo, symbol, or a combination of these. A registered trademark gives you many important rights, including:

Exclusive Right of Use: You have the right to use your registered trademark alone for the goods and services within the scope of registration. This allows you to prevent others from using your brand without permission.
Legal Protection: A registered trademark provides legal protection against imitation and unfair competition. If someone uses your trademark without permission, you can file a lawsuit and seek compensation.
Commercial Advantage: A registered trademark can bring greater trust and credibility to your products and services. This can increase your sales and profitability.
Licensing Opportunities: By licensing a registered trademark, you can allow others to use your brand and generate additional income.
International Protection: By registering your trademark abroad, you can also protect it in the global market.

How to Register a Trademark?

The first step in trademark registration is to choose a registrable trademark. It is important that the trademark you choose is distinctive, that is, it can be easily distinguished from other trademarks and clearly identifies the goods and services covered by the registration.