What is Cyber Crime?
Cyber crime can be defined as any crime committed using computers or communication networks. These crimes can cause material or moral damage, damage the reputation of institutions and even threaten national security.
Types of Cyber Crimes
Crime of Entering an Information System: Entering or staying in an information system without permission is within the scope of this crime.
Crime of Blocking, Disrupting, Making Inaccessible, Destroying or Changing the System: Actions such as preventing the operation of an information system, disrupting it or destroying its data are included in this type of crime.
Cyber Crimes on the Information System of a Bank, Credit Institution or Public Institution: These types of crimes include actions such as misuse of bank or credit cards and fraud.
Cyber Crimes by Obtaining Unfair Benefits: This type of crime involves situations such as obtaining and using personal data illegally.
Child Pornography: The production, distribution and possession of sexually explicit materials related to children are also considered cybercrimes.
Cyberbullying: Actions such as insults, threats and humiliation on the internet are defined as cyberbullying.
Cybercrimes in the Turkish Penal Code
There are special regulations regarding cybercrimes in the Turkish Penal Code. These regulations stipulate different penalties depending on the type of cybercrime. For example, prison sentences are determined for the crime of entering an information system, while more severe penalties are determined for the misuse of bank or credit cards.
Ways to Protect Yourself from Cybercrimes
Using Strong Passwords: Using complex and difficult-to-guess passwords increases the security of your accounts.
Using Up-to-date Antivirus Programs: Regularly installing up-to-date antivirus programs on your computer helps protect you from malware.
Avoiding Phishing Attacks: Not clicking on suspicious links sent via e-mail or SMS is one of the most effective ways to protect yourself from phishing attacks.
Update Your Computer Regularly: Regularly updating your operating system and other software will help you close security gaps.
Use Public Networks with Caution: It is important to be careful when using public Wi-Fi networks and avoid giving access to your sensitive information.