Insult Crimes on Social Media: Legal Sanctions in the Digital World
As Özkök Law Firm, we would like to inform you about the insult crimes frequently encountered on social media platforms with the increasing influence of the digital world.
Social Media and Insult Crime
Social media is an important platform that allows people to express their thoughts freely. However, this freedom exceeds its limits when used in a way that harms the rights and freedoms of others. Insulting posts in particular both damage personal relationships and have legal consequences.
What is the Crime of Insult?
According to the Turkish Penal Code, committing a negative act or statement that hurts the honor and dignity of a person constitutes the crime of insult. This crime can be committed both verbally and in writing. Insulting posts made on social media platforms are also evaluated within this scope.
Characteristics of the Crime of Insult on Social Media
• Anonymity: Social media allows users to share anonymously or under a pseudonym. This can make it difficult to easily identify the people who insult.
• Prevalence: The fact that a post can reach thousands of people in a short time increases the effects of the crime of insult.

• Permanence: Although it is possible to delete posts made on social media, it is difficult to completely eliminate them because they leave a trace on the internet.
Punishments for the Crime of Insult on Social Media
The penalty for the crime of insult varies according to factors such as the identity of the person insulted, the severity of the insulting statement and the area of ​​spread. In general, a certain period of imprisonment or a judicial fine may be given depending on the crime of insult. In addition, the victim has the right to file a lawsuit for moral compensation upon complaint.
Ways to Protect Yourself from the Crime of Insult on Social Media
• Be Careful: Be careful when sharing on social media platforms and respect the rights of others.

• Keep the Evidence: If you come across an insulting post, take a screenshot and save your evidence.

• Take Legal Action: If your rights have been violated, you can take legal action by contacting a lawyer.