The divorce process involves various responsibilities and obligations of parents for their children. Among these responsibilities, custody and alimony issues are particularly important. While custody determines the rights and responsibilities regarding the care and education of the child, alimony regulates how the financial needs of the children will be met. In this article, we will examine in detail how custody and alimony meet the financial needs of the children.

Custody and Alimony: Basic Concepts

What is Custody?

Custody is the legal right of parents who are responsible for the care, education and general well-being of the child. In the event of divorce, custody rights are usually determined by the court and it is decided which parent the children will live with.

What is Alimony?

Alimony is a regular payment paid by one parent to the other in order to meet the financial needs of the children in the event of divorce or separation. Alimony provides the financial support necessary for the child to maintain their standard of living.

Meeting the Material Needs of Children

Alimony Calculation

The amount of alimony is determined depending on the child’s age, needs and the financial situation of the parents. The court takes the following factors into consideration when calculating the amount of alimony:

Age and Needs of the Child: The child may have different material needs depending on his/her age. For example, the basic needs of babies are different, while education expenses are added for school-aged children.
Income Status of the Parents: The amount of alimony is determined according to the financial situation of the parents. In addition to the income status, other financial obligations of the parents are also taken into consideration.
The Child’s Standards of Living: The child’s previous living standards may be effective in determining the amount of alimony. The aim is to maintain the child’s current living conditions.
Alimony Payment Obligations

The alimony payment obligation is arranged to meet the needs of the child:

Regular Payments: Alimony is generally paid regularly. These payments are used to meet the child’s daily needs.
Where the alimony is Used: The alimony paid is used to meet the child’s basic needs such as food, shelter, education and health. Alimony payments help maintain the child’s quality of life.
Custody and Alimony Relationship

The right of custody gives the parent who is responsible for the child the right to request alimony:

In cases of joint custody: In cases of joint custody, alimony payments can be shared between both parents. The parents are responsible for meeting the child’s financial needs together.
In cases of sole custody: In cases of sole custody, the parent who is responsible for the child can request alimony from the other parent. The sole custodial parent receives alimony payments to meet all of the child’s financial needs.

Alimony and Other Material Needs of Children

Educational Expenses

Educational expenses are an important item included in the child’s alimony:

School Fees: School fees, private lessons and other educational expenses are covered under alimony.
Educational Materials: Books, stationery and other educational materials can also be provided with alimony.
Health Expenses

Health expenses may be covered by alimony in order to ensure the general well-being of the child:

Health Insurance: The child’s health insurance premiums and regular health check-ups can be covered by alimony.
Healthcare Expenses: Expenses incurred for the child’s health problems requiring treatment can be included in the alimony.
Social and Cultural Activities

The child’s social and cultural needs are also taken into consideration:

Activity Participation: Expenses incurred for sports, arts and other social activities can be covered by alimony.
Hobbies and Interests: Necessary expenses for the child’s hobbies and interests are also supported by alimony.

Legal Regulations Regarding Alimony

Court Decisions

The court considers the child’s best interests when determining the amount of alimony. A fair decision is made by taking into account the financial situation of the parents and the needs of the child.

Increases and Changes in Alimony

A change in the amount of alimony may be necessary:

Changes in Financial Situation: If there is a significant change in the financial situation of the parents, the alimony amount may be reviewed.
Changes in the Child’s Needs: The alimony amount may be increased depending on the child’s age and needs.
Supervision of Alimony Payments

The court supervises that alimony payments are made regularly and that the child’s needs are met. Parents must make alimony payments in accordance with court orders.


Custody and alimony are important issues that regulate the child’s care and financial needs during the divorce process. While custody determines which parent the child will live with, alimony provides the financial support necessary to meet the child’s daily needs. Parents are responsible for meeting the child’s educational, health and social needs with alimony payments. The court determines the alimony amount by considering the child’s best interests and makes a fair arrangement during this process. ParentFulfilling child support obligations supports the healthy and safe growth of the child.