What is the Crime of Wounding? Legal Definition and Penal Sanctions
As Özkök Law Firm, we would like to inform you about the crime of wounding, which is one of the subjects we frequently encounter. This crime, which is committed in many situations that we may encounter in daily life, can have serious consequences for both the victim and the perpetrator.
What is the Crime of Wounding?
According to the Turkish Penal Code, the crime of wounding is the act of harming someone by disrupting their physical integrity or impairing their health. Although there must be physical contact for this crime to be committed, there are situations where psychological effects can also be considered within the scope of the crime of wounding.
Types of the Crime of Wounding
Wounding crimes vary according to the nature of the injury and the intent of the perpetrator. In this context;
Simple Wounding: Injuries that cause temporary dysfunction or mild pain in the body.
Serious Wounding: Injuries that can leave a permanent mark on the body, cause an organ to lose its function, or require long-term treatment.
Injury by Negligence: This is the situation where the perpetrator harms another person as a result of carelessness or negligence without the intention of committing a crime.
Punishment Results of the Crime of Injury
The penalty for the crime of injury is determined according to the nature of the injury, the intent of the perpetrator and the extent of the damage suffered by the victim. There are different articles regarding the crime of injury in the Turkish Penal Code, and the penalties stipulated in these articles can be in the form of imprisonment and a judicial fine.
The Right to Defense in the Crime of Injury
A person who commits the crime of injury may exercise his right of self-defense by claiming that he acted to protect himself or someone else. However, certain conditions must be met in order for this right to be exercised.
Legal Support in the Crime of Injury
Both the victim and the perpetrator must receive legal support in the crime of injury. As Özkök Law Firm, we provide you with legal consultancy services in the crime of injury, both to protect the rights of the victim and to defend the perpetrator.